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Access to energy is a human right and we aim to service as many people as possible

Some of the benefits the communities we electrify have experienced

Revenue increase for businesses

Decrease in air pollution leading to respiratory diseases

Increased maternal health

Access to better and higher education

Access to more appliances

Safer environment for humans and animals alike

Environmental and Social

We at Winch take our commitment to environmental and social (E&S) sustainability seriously. Our processes are designed to consider these aspects from project inception throughout to construction and operations and decommissioning. We are about more than just delivering a clean product to our customers, we can about how we deliver it and the impact we leave behind

Enviromental Sustainability

Although the impact of solar is minimal compared to other sectors, detrimental impacts can occur through mismanagement of equipment and unmindful EPC and O&M practices for soil, water, air and community.

To ensure our commitment to the planet is upkept, we follow strict processes embedded in every stage of our projects:

  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) for every new project to ensure all risks are captured
  • Supply chain evaluated on strict E&S criteria and active E&S engagement with suppliers and subcontractors 
  • Comprehensive E&S management system in place
  • Dedicated resource to all E&S topics
  • – Regular audits

Community Engagement

At Winch we value above else the effective service and communication with the communities we operate in. Proactive engagement starts at the design phase, ensuring communities are aware of our intensions, gathering their feedback and concerns throughout the whole project in order to best support them and deliver a quality service. 

We do that by:

  • Engaging in public disclosures and enquiries through every project stage
  • Ensuring land acquisition is done following international standards with appropriate compensation and avoiding displacement
  • Respecting cultural and historical heritage and traditions
  • Continuous stakeholder engagement 
  • Grievance management 
  • Community development programmes to support our customers 
  • Gender-based violence response and prevention programme